Q1. How can I add more fields to the supplier credit template?
While creating a new supplier credit note, under Supplier Credit Settings > Advanced, enter Custom fields.
If you do not see this option available, it means that you currently do not have any custom fields set up. See Custom Fields for more information on setting custom fields.

Q2. How can I edit a supplier address for a supplier credit?
You cannot edit a supplier's address through the supplier credit creation workflow.
If you need to edit a supplier's address, please update their contact information directly.
Refer to Contacts for more help and information.
Q3. Where can I download a supplier credit note?
Downloads are not available for supplier credit notes.
Q4. Can I duplicate a supplier credit?
Yes, you can duplicate a supplier credit.
Upon duplication, a New supplier credit creation screen will show, with all fields automatically filled in following the selected credit note.

Q5. Can I schedule a supplier credit?
No, Juan only supports scheduling for invoices, bills, and journal entries.
Q6. What are the fields being duplicated when you duplicate a supplier credit?
All the previous information on the supplier credit will be duplicated, except for the supplier credit note reference.
Q7. How do I add discounts?
To add a discount, ensure that Discounts are enabled under Item Attributes in the Supplier Credit Settings.
You will then be able to add a discount at a line item level.

Q8. How do I add taxes?
To add taxes for a supplier credit note, ensure that you have selected a GST/VAT setting under default GST/VAT, either GST/VAT Included in Price or GST/VAT Excluded in Price.
Afterwards, you will be able to select a tax profile at a line item level.
These taxes will also show up in the supplier credit total summary.

Q9. How do I choose a currency for a supplier credit?
Click on the currency label within the supplier credit note. You will be brought to the currency settings.
Select the currency that you would like the supplier credit note to have.

Q10. Can the currency be automatically determined, or do I need to select it manually?
Yes. There are a few ways where the currency can be automatically determined:
Via the contact's default currency setting.
If you have selected a contact for the supplier credit note, the currency will be automatically set to the contact's default currency.
Your supplier credit default settings
Under Default Settings > Accounting, you can also set a default supplier credit note currency there.
Your organization's base currency
If both are not available, the organization's base currency will be used.
If you would like to choose a currency outside of these options, you can select it from the list of currencies already added to your organization. If not, you can also add a currency.

Q11. What is the difference between the supplier credit setting, supplier credit default setting, and supplier-selected currency options?
Supplier credit note setting: Settings that will only be applied to a single supplier credit note (the one being created or looked at)
Supplier credit default setting: Settings that will automatically be applied by default at the start of the supplier credit note creation process for all supplier credit notes
Supplier-selected currency options: The currency that you have associated the supplier contact with, typically the currency that you transact in with this contact.
Q12. How does selecting a currency affect my business transactions?
Selecting a currency that is different from your base currency may lead to foreign-exchange gains & losses due to differences in exchange rates when the supplier credit note was created and when refunds or application of supplier credit notes are done.
Q13. Can I use different currencies for different supplier credits?
Yes, different currencies can be set at a supplier credit note level.
Q14. Can I change the currency for a supplier credit after it has been created?
Yes, you can change the currency for a supplier credit note after it has been created by editing the currency in Supplier Credit Settings.
Q15. Are there any additional fees or considerations associated with using different currencies in my supplier credits?
No, Juan does not charge a fee for making use of different currencies in your supplier credit notes.
However, do be mindful of any potential foreign exchange gains and losses due to differences in exchange rates between the creation of the supplier credit note and when refunds or application of supplier credit notes are done.
Q16. How are currency conversions & exchange rates handled for a supplier credit note?
When choosing a currency under Supplier Credit Settings,
If an organization's custom exchange rate has been set for the currency & time range that the supplier credit note was created in, Juan will make use of this exchange rate.
You can also set an exchange rate on a transaction level.
If not, Juan will use a third-party service to determine a mid-market exchange rate, and use that instead.