
Manage information regarding different contacts such as customers and suppliers.

Q1. How do I modify (edit/delete) a contact?

  • Edit/Delete options can be found under the 3 dot menu for a contact.

  • Note: If a contact is deleted, you will not be able to undo the action or retrieve the deleted contact.

Q2. How do I view all business transactions related to a contact?

  • In the Home screen, search for a contact

  • You should see a list of transactions related to the contact.

Q3. Can I assign a specific currency to a contact? Can I later change the currency?

  • Yes, you can assign a currency to a contact. See What are the transaction settings? for more information.

  • You can change the contact's currency afterward by editing the contact.

Q4. What are payment terms, and how do I set them for a contact?

  • Payment terms refer to the maximum duration that a customer has from the date of a transaction to make payment. This affects the due date of a transaction.

  • If the payment terms is 7 days, then a customer needs to make payment for an invoice within 7 days.

  • To set them for a contact, refer to What are transaction settings?

Q5. What are transaction settings for a contact?

  • Transaction level settings for a contact which will be fetched and used to auto-fill a transaction based on the contact selected.

  • Some transaction settings include the default customer payment terms, and default GST profile.

    • For a full overview of the transaction settings available, refer to the options inside the Juan App.

Q6. I see an option for Juan Magic under the transaction settings. What is this for?

  • You can indicate if Juan Magic should be used for attachments in transactions associated with this contact.

    • For more information about how Juan Magic works, see Juan Magic

Q7. What is the "invoice notes" section for a contact?

  • This serves as a default for invoice notes when creating invoices with this contact.

  • Any information filled in this box will be used when you create a new invoice with the contact.

  • Tip: Invoice notes can be useful for keeping track of information relating to the contact, such as bank account or payment information!

Q8. Can I create a contact that is both a customer & supplier?

  • Yes, just switch on the toggles for both This contact is a Customer and This contact is a Supplier.

Q9. What currency is the You Owe/They Owe column amounts in? Can I change the display currency?

  • The amounts in these columns will always be in your organization's base currency, not the contact's currency.

  • It is not possible to change the display currency.

  • If the contact is used to create transactions in foreign currency, the "You owe / they owe" amount will be calculated with today's exchange rate rather than the rates at which the original transactions were created.

Q10. What happens if my contact does not have an email set? Can I still send them invoices via email?

  • You will not be able to trigger invoices or other transaction documents via email within Juan. You will have to download them and send the documents outside of Juan.

Q11. How can I view the sales activity for a particular period for a contact?

  • You can search for a contact in the invoices tab and filter further to get the sales activity for a particular period.

  • You can also download all the sales activity information relating to the contact.

    • Within the contact details for the contact, you will be able to download the Sales Activity for all transactions relating to the contact.

    • You can select a Start Date to define a time range when downloading the Sales Activity PDF.

Q12. How can I view all journal entries where a contact is used?

  • You can search for the contact in the journal tab.

  • Another way you can do this is to download all the journal entries relating to the contact.

    • Within the contact details for the contact, you will be able to download the journal entries relating to the contact.

    • Activity and Journal Entries PDF/Excel for all transactions relating to the contact.

    • You can select a Start Date to define a time range when downloading the Journal Entries Excel.

Q13. If I delete a contact, will it change anything in the transactions where I used that contact before?

  • No, it will not. The contact will still be recorded in previous transactions.

  • However, you will not be able to select the contact in further transactions.

Q14. If I delete a contact, will it impact my financial reports?

  • No, deleting a contact has no impact on your financial reports.

Q15. What does Juan magic default setting control?

  • Juan Magic will try to extract and autofill data from an invoice or bill attachment for you.

  • The Juan magic default setting controls what parts of invoice or bill attachments should be automatically extracted and filled, such as the invoice line items, or invoice summary total or to not autofill any data at all.

  • For more information on Juan Magic, see Juan Magic.

Q16. Can I create contacts in bulk?

  • To create contacts in bulk, make use of the Import Contacts function. For more information, refer to Import Contacts.

Q17. How do I add in an email for a contact?

  • Under Contact Emails, you can define one or more emails to be associated with a contact.

  • To add multiple emails, enter a label and email, click "Add New Line" or press CTRL+i, and repeat.

Q18. Can I attach documents to a contact?

  • Yes, documents can be attached to contacts for easier management.

Q19. Can I assign WHT Code defaults for contacts?

  • Yes, you can assign default WHT code to a supplier contact.

  • When a contact is applied to a Bill Transaction, the WHT code is automatically applied to line items based on the contact’s default.

  • You can also assign default WHT code during importing

Q20. Can I set custom templates per contact?

  • Yes, you can assign contact-specific default PDF and email templates. If none is set, the organization’s default template applies.

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