Customer Credit Downloads

Q1. Can I download an active customer credit note PDF?

  • Yes, you can download an active customer credit note PDF from the customer credit note details.

  • See below for an example of the downloaded credit note.

Q2. Can I download the refund advice for a refund?

  • Yes, you can download a refund advice from the customer refund details.

  • See below for an example of the downloaded credit note.

Q3. Can I customize the contents of any PDFs?

  • Yes, there are a couple of ways that this can be done:

    1. Via custom fields - See Custom Fields for more information.

    2. Adding a logo to your customer credit note - You can do this by setting an organization logo in Settings > Organization Details.

Q4. Will the downloaded PDF display amounts in the base currency or the currency of the customer credit note?

  • The downloaded PDF will display amounts based on the currency of the customer credit note.

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