PDF Templates

Customize PDF templates for invoices, invoice payments, customer credits, and customer refunds.

Q1. What transactions can I customize?

  • You can customize PDF templates for the following transactions:

    • Invoice

      • Note: Delivery Slip and Quotation PDFs will use the invoice template set for the transaction.

    • Invoice Payment

    • Customer Credit

    • Customer Refund

    • Customer Statements

      • Statement of Accounts

      • Statement of Balances

Q2. How do I create a new PDF template?

  • Go to Settings > Templates > PDFs, then select a tab (Invoices, Customer Credits, or Statements) and click New Template.

Q3. What sections in the PDF can I edit?

  • You can edit the following sections within a PDF:

    • General
      Choose from 5 template styles (Classic, Bento, Formal, Overlay, Smooth), customize template name, colors, fonts, and add a unique logo per template.

    • Header
      Customize title, document details, references, dates, terms, company info, contact details, GST/VAT ID, delivery, and address format.

    • Table
      Enable/disable tax info, adjust row spacing (Standard, Compact, Relaxed), and customize column headers, widths, and visibility.

    • Total
      Enable/disable the total section, adjust spacing, configure balance labels, and add a tax summary for detailed breakdowns.
      Note: Applies to all templates except customer statement

    • Footer
      Enable payment options for invoices and edit note titles for both invoices and customer credits.
      Note: Applies to all templates except invoice payment and customer refund

  • To apply the changes made in these sections, click Update Preview.

Q4. Can I duplicate templates or organize them?

  • Yes, you can duplicate templates.

Q5. What are default templates, and how do they work?

  • There are two types of default templates:

    • Template default for the organization: This is the default for all contacts unless a specific contact default is set.

    • Template default for a contact: Applied when a specific PDF template is set under Contacts. It overrides the organization default when the contact is selected during transaction creation or editing.

Q6. Can I set default PDF templates during the contact import process?

  • Yes, default templates can be assigned during contact import. The contact import template includes columns for selecting a PDF template per contact.

Q7. What happens if I update an existing template?

  • Updating a template applies changes to future transactions but previous PDFs remain unaffected.

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