Q1. Can I record payments for multiple invoices at once?
Yes, use the 'Bulk Payments' feature on Juan to record payments for multiple invoices in 1 go.
Select the desired balance due invoices to use the bulk payment feature.
Q2: Can I make bulk payments for invoices in different currencies?
Yes, you can select and pay invoices in various currencies simultaneously.
All the payments will be recorded in the selected payment account currency.
Q3. When should I use the bulk payment feature?
You should opt for bulk payment if the payment method & the payment account are the same for all the payments you want to record against multiple invoices.
Q4. What is the difference between bulk payments & batch payments? Does Juan support batch payments?
Bulk payments create individual payment records for each selected invoice in a single go.
Batch payments create one payment record for all selected invoices together.
Currently, Juan only supports bulk payments.
Q5. Can I partially pay invoices during bulk payments?
Yes, you can do partial payments during bulk payments, by updating the invoice payment amount.

Q6. Payments created from the bulk payment flow are created in which currency?
The payment currency will depend on the selected payment account's currency.
So, irrespective of the selected invoice currencies, all the payment currencies will be the same as the payment account currency.
Q7. Is there a way to autofill the cash received equivalent to the invoice payment amount during bulk payment?
Yes, use the bulk auto-fill feature to calculate the cash equivalent of the invoice payment amounts to the payment amounts in the payment accounts currency.
Alternatively, you can autofill the cash equivalent for each payment record
You can also set a custom rate for just a single payment record.

Q8. Can I add transaction fees while bulk payments?
Yes, like the normal payments flow you can add transaction fees during bulk payment creation flow. Refer to transaction fee for more info.
Q9. Is RGL calculated during bulk payments?
Yes, like the normal payments flow if a payment is recorded in non-base currency, RGL can occur. Refer When does realized FX gain-loss (RGL) happen, and how is it calculated?
Q10. Is there a limit to the number of invoices I can pay at once?
Yes, You can only select all the records present on a single page. So, if the page size is set to 200 records, you can select 200 invoice records to create bulk payments.
Q11. Can I record overpayments from the invoice bulk payment flow?
No, you cannot record overpayments. Juan will prevent you from entering a payment amount that is greater than the balance due on the invoice.

Q12. How do I edit a recorded bulk payment?
Find the payment record (either from the payments tab / find the invoice against which the payment is recorded) and edit the details as needed.
Q13. Why are there separate columns for "Payment" and "Cash Received"?
The "Payment" column reflects the invoice's original amount due in its designated currency.
The "Cash Received" column allows you to record the actual amount received, which might differ due to exchange rate fluctuations in multi-currency scenarios.

Q14. What happens when I click "Save" on the "Record Invoice Payments" modal?
A: When you click "Save" on the "Record Invoice Payments" modal, the payments will be recorded and the invoices will be marked as paid.
Q15. Can I view the total cash received during the bulk payment?
Yes, you can view the total cash received during the bulk payment flow. The total cash received will be in the payment account currency.

Q16. Is bulk payment the same as batched payment?
No, bulk payments create 1 payment record for all the selected invoices.
Batch payments create a single payment for all the selected invoices.
Juan only supports bulk payments right now.