Transaction Fees (Invoice payments)

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Q1. Can I record transaction fees for invoice payments on Juan?

  • Yes, you can. When recording a payment for an invoice, you will find an option to add transaction fees.

  • You can record transaction fees in absolute amounts or as a percentage of the cash received.

Q2. What can I use the transaction fee option on invoice payments for?

  • The transaction fee option might be useful in some scenarios such as:

    • Your payment provider charges you a fee when you receive funds from your customers.

Q3. What happens when a transaction fee is recorded?

  • When you record a transaction fee for an invoice payment, the transaction fee charged is deducted from the Cash Received amount, giving Net Cash Received.

  • On the invoice details, the payment amount shown in the invoice total summary will reflect the Gross Cash Received or the cash received before fees.

Q4. How does recording GST/VAT work for transaction fees?

  • You can add a VAT/GST included in the fee.

  • You just need to select a tax profile and Juan will calculate the actual fees and the included GST/VAT.

Q6. How are transaction fees reflected on the general ledger?

  • On the general ledger, you should see a record reflecting the transaction fees charged under the expense account (e.g. Transaction Fees & Charges) that you have selected when recording a transaction fee.

  • If you have added GST/VAT included in the transaction fees, you should see an additional record for the included GST/VAT under the Input GST Receivable account.

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