Import Contacts

Easily import all your contacts to Juan

Q1. Can I import contacts in bulk?

  • Yes, you can import contacts in bulk using our Import Contacts template.

  • The template can be found in the Contacts tab.

  • Follow the steps on-screen to start importing your contacts.

  • Review the imported list of contacts.

  • You should see contacts that will be added, deleted, or with errors.

  • If there are no issues, click on Finish to finish importing your contacts.

    • If not, continue adjusting and modifying your template, and click on Back to reupload.

Q2. Can I update existing contacts using imports?

  • Yes, you can. When downloading the Import Contacts template, it will be pre-filled with contacts that you have already added in Juan.

  • You can modify the information in these rows relating to existing contacts.

  • For example, you can change a contact from being just a Supplier Contact to a contact that is both a Supplier and a Customer.

Q3. What file formats are supported for importing contacts?

  • Only the .xlsx (Excel Workbook) format using our template is supported for importing contacts.

Q4. Will importing contacts automatically create customer/supplier profiles?

  • Yes, importing contacts using our provided template will do this for you, provided that you have filled in the necessary details and also indicated the profile type (Customer/Supplier/Both) of the contact.

Q5. Can I import contacts from other accounting software I've used before?

  • You will need to transfer the contact information to our Import Contacts template, and import using our template.

Q6. Will importing contacts affect any existing data in the accounting software?

  • No, the information in Juan is self-contained and will not affect other software.

Q7. Are there any restrictions on the number of contacts I can import at once?

  • You can import up to a maximum of 1000 existing and new contacts at the same time (meaning 1000 rows of contact data in the template.)

Q8. What should I do if there are errors or duplicates in the imported contacts? How can I fix them?

  • Juan will highlight any issues with the rows/records that you have filled in within the import template.

  • To fix it, go back to your contact import template and amend the row with the error.

  • For example, if the error reads "Empty contact name" for Row 5, then check Contact Name is filled in for the contact on Row 5.

  • After fixing all the errors presented by Juan, save your template and reimport the template to restart the bulk import process.

Q9. Can I review the list of imported contacts before importing?

  • Yes. Juan will show a list of contacts that will be updated, created, deleted, or records having errors.

Q10. Can I customize or modify the contact after importing contacts?

  • Yes, you can. After importing the contacts, find the contact that you would like to customize or modify by navigating to Contacts.

  • For more information on managing contacts, you can refer to Contacts.

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