Juan Magic (Import Attachments)

Just drop your attachments and let the magic generate transactions for you.

Q1. What is Juan Magic and how does it work?

  • Juan Magic is a portfolio of magic features, providing an easy way for you to import existing invoices/bills into Juan.

  • You can simply drag & drop your invoice/bill documents or upload them using your native file manager.

  • Juan Magic will create a draft for you, and also try to autofill the invoice/bill details for you based on the uploaded attachments.

Q2. What file types are supported by Juan Magic?

  • Juan Magic supports attachments with file types JPG, PNG, or PDFs.

  • The file can only have a maximum size of 10MB.

Q3. What information does Juan Magic capture from the attachment?

Juan Magic will capture the following information:

  • Invoice/Bill reference

  • Due Date

  • Invoice/Bill Date

  • Items:

    • Item Name

    • Unit price

    • Unit

    • Discount

    • Quantity

    • Account

    • Tax Profile

  • Contact Name

Q4. Can Juan Magic capture information from handwritten receipts?

  • Yes, as long as the information is readable Juan Magic can read handwritten receipts as well.

  • If the information is not readable, Juan Magic will still create a draft invoice/bill with the handwritten receipt as an attachment.

Q5. How do I know if Juan Magic has successfully created the draft invoices or bills?

  • While the attachments are being uploaded, you should see a loading icon next to Active Invoices or Active Bills.

  • If the attachments were successfully uploaded, you should see the icon turn green, and with the list of files uploaded.

  • You can also check the drafts via the Invoices > Draft or Bills > Draft section.

Q6. How many drafts can be created at once by Juan Magic?

  • You can drag and drop up to 50 attachments at once.

Q7. Does Juan Magic work with different languages?

  • No, Juan Magic is currently only supported in English.

Q8. Are the draft invoices/bills created by Juan Magic any different from the draft invoices/bills created manually?

Q9. Can I edit draft invoices/bills created by Juan Magic?

Q10. Can I convert drafts created by Juan Magic to active?

Q11. Is Juan Magic supported for supplier/customer credits?

  • Currently, Juan Magic is not supported for supplier/customer credits.

Q12. How does Juan Magic extract contact information?

Juan Magic can extract contact details directly from uploaded attachments, creating or matching contacts automatically. Here’s how it works:

  • Upload an Attachment (e.g., Invoice, Bill)

    • Upload the attachment that contains contact details (e.g., vendor or customer information).

  • Contact Extraction and Auto-Population

    • Juan Magic will detect contact information such as name, address, and VAT number. An option will appear to auto-populate the Contact field in the transaction form.

    • Selecting this option will automatically create a new contact entry based on the extracted details.

  • Matching with Existing Contacts

    • If a matching contact is found, Juan Magic links the extracted information to the existing contact to avoid duplicates.

Q13. How does Juan Magic handle updated item names?

  • Juan Magic remembers updated item names for better classification. Future uploads with the same item and contact will use the updated name.

  • If no match is found, the extracted name will be shown for editing.

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