Q1. What is an AI Agent?
Juan’s AI Agent allows you to send emails to perform accounting and finance tasks for your organizations. All actions taken by your agent are recorded as your own in Juan.
Agent tasks follow your user permissions and execute actions on your behalf.
Q2. How do I set up my AI Agent?
Head over to Settings > Agent Builder and set the following according to your preferences:
Create an agent's email using letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and the plus (+) symbol.
Using the plus (+) symbol is a good way to differentiate agents per organization, for example: myagent+greengrocery@sendjuan.com
Skill Level
Analyst (Growth Plan only)
Associate (Coming soon)
Progressive (Growth Plan only)
Preferred Language

Q3. What tasks can the AI Agent perform?
The AI Agent can perform the following functions for paid organizations:
Create, review, and manage bookmarks.
Chart of Accounts
Create, update, and search accounts and types.
Contacts & Items
Create, update, and search contacts and items.
Currency Management
Add, update, and retrieve currencies and exchange rates.
Draft Transactions
Create draft invoices, bills, and journals.
Juan Magic (Invoices & Bills)
Autofill invoice and bill drafts from emails or attachments.
Reports & Data Exports
Generate balance sheets, P&L, cash flow, and other reports.
Tax Profiles
Create tax profiles.
Direct Cash Transactions
Record direct cash inflows, outflows, or transfers.
Note: Only available for organizations under Growth Plan.
Updates, Voids, & Deletes
Modify or void transactions, contacts, or accounts.
Note: Only available for organizations under Growth Plan.

Q4. How does the agent receive instructions?
Send tasks via email to your agent's assigned email address.
Use the ‘To’ field for direct actions and replies.
Use ‘Cc’ to keep the agent informed but it will only respond to your verified email.

Q5. Can the AI Agent reply to emails with other recipients?
No, it only responds to your verified email for security reasons.
Q6. What happens when I update my agent's email?
Updating your agent’s email cancels all ongoing actions and the previous email will be unavailable for up to 72 hours.
Q7. What happens if I cancel or downgrade my organization plan?
Your agent will be deactivated and its email will be released.
Q8. Why am I not receiving responses from my agent?
Ensure you've included instructions in the ‘To’ field and the email body.
Make sure the agent's email is in your email contacts.
Whitelist @sendjuan.com (@sendjuan.com), and check spam or other folders.
Q9. Why can’t I add new instructions to the AI Agent?
Only organizations under the Growth Plan can add new instructions and turn off specific workflows.