Agent Builder

Use email to send tasks and get them done with your AI Agent.

Q1. What is an AI Agent?

  • Juan’s AI Agent allows you to send emails to perform accounting and finance tasks for your organizations. All actions taken by your agent are recorded as your own in Juan.

  • Agent tasks follow your user permissions and execute actions on your behalf.

Q2. How do I set up my AI Agent?

  • Head over to Settings > Agent Builder and set the following according to your preferences:

    • Name

    • Email

      • Create an agent's email using letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and the plus (+) symbol.

      • Using the plus (+) symbol is a good way to differentiate agents per organization, for example:

    • Tone

      • Friendly

      • Formal

      • Focused

    • Skill Level

      • Assistant

      • Analyst (Growth Plan only)

      • Associate (Coming soon)

    • Memory

      • Predefined

      • Progressive (Growth Plan only)

    • Preferred Language

Q3. What tasks can the AI Agent perform?

  • The AI Agent can perform the following functions for paid organizations:

    • Bookmarks

      • Create, review, and manage bookmarks.

    • Chart of Accounts

      • Create, update, and search accounts and types.

    • Contacts & Items

      • Create, update, and search contacts and items.

    • Currency Management

      • Add, update, and retrieve currencies and exchange rates.

    • Draft Transactions

      • Create draft invoices, bills, and journals.

    • Juan Magic (Invoices & Bills)

      • Autofill invoice and bill drafts from emails or attachments.

    • Reports & Data Exports

      • Generate balance sheets, P&L, cash flow, and other reports.

    • Tax Profiles

      • Create tax profiles.

    • Direct Cash Transactions

      • Record direct cash inflows, outflows, or transfers.

      • Note: Only available for organizations under Growth Plan.

    • Updates, Voids, & Deletes

      • Modify or void transactions, contacts, or accounts.

      • Note: Only available for organizations under Growth Plan.

Q4. How does the agent receive instructions?

  • Send tasks via email to your agent's assigned email address.

  • Use the ‘To’ field for direct actions and replies.

  • Use ‘Cc’ to keep the agent informed but it will only respond to your verified email.

Q5. Can the AI Agent reply to emails with other recipients?

  • No, it only responds to your verified email for security reasons.

Q6. What happens when I update my agent's email?

  • Updating your agent’s email cancels all ongoing actions and the previous email will be unavailable for up to 72 hours.

Q7. What happens if I cancel or downgrade my organization plan?

  • Your agent will be deactivated and its email will be released.

Q8. Why am I not receiving responses from my agent?

  • Ensure you've included instructions in the ‘To field and the email body.

  • Make sure the agent's email is in your email contacts.

  • Whitelist (, and check spam or other folders.

Q9. Why can’t I add new instructions to the AI Agent?

  • Only organizations under the Growth Plan can add new instructions and turn off specific workflows.

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