Import Bills

Easily transfer all your bills to Juan by using the Import Bills function to import bills in bulk.

Q1. Can I import multiple bills in Juan?

  • Yes, you can import bills in two ways:

  • Line Items: Rows with the same bill reference are grouped into one bill.

  • Summary Totals: Each row is treated as a separate bill.

Q2. Can I update existing bills using import?

  • No, you can only create new bills using the import function.

Q3. What file formats are supported for importing bills?

  • Only a .xlsx file using our template will be supported for importing bills.

Q4. Will importing bills automatically create active bills?

  • Yes. After finishing the import process, all the created bills will be converted to active.

Q5. Will importing bills affect any existing bills in Juan?

  • No, existing bills in Juan will not be affected.

Q6. How many bills can I bulk import at one time?

  • Each import supports up to 1,000 rows.

Q7. Can I review the bills before importing?

  • Yes. After importing the bulk bill template, you will be shown a list of imported bill records picked up by Juan from the template.

Q8. What should I do if there are errors or duplicates in the imported bills? How can I fix them?

  • Use the Review sheet in the template to view possible errors.

  • In Juan, a review step highlights issues in the file for validation and correction.

  • For example, if the error reads "Item/Description is required to import the bill" for Row 6, then check if the Item/Description field has been filled in.

  • After fixing all the errors presented by Juan, save your template and reimport the template to restart the bulk import process.

Q9. Can I update a bill created from the import flow?

  • Yes, you can update a bill created from the import flow.

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