Q1. Where can I view a created invoice?
A new bill will show up in Active Invoices.
Click on an invoice to see its details.

Q2. Can I search for invoices by customer name or invoice number?
Yes. Under Invoices, you can enter the customer name or invoice number in the Search Bar. Juan will automatically filter out the relevant transactions for you.

Q3. Can I print or download a copy of the invoice for my records?
Yes, you can download an invoice PDF. Refer to Invoice Downloads for more information.
Q4. Is there a way to track the status of the invoice, such as if it's been sent or viewed by the recipient?
Juan does not currently support read receipts for invoices sent out by email.
Q5. Do invoices in Juan include audit information?
Invoices in Juan include the Created By fields to show who was the creator of the invoice, and the Last Updated By field to show the last editor of the invoice.
Invoices that were previously submitted for approval will also have the Submitted By and Approved By fields.
Click on Show More under Invoice Details to reveal the different fields.

Q6. Where can I find the exchange rate for an invoice with non-base currency?
To find the exchange rate for an invoice with non-base currency:
Hover on the currency ISO to show the exchange rate used for the invoice, relative to the base currency.
The exchange rate information will show the amount in the base currency, alongside the exchange rate information used.

Q7. What happens if the exchange rate changes after I have viewed the invoice?
Any changes in exchange rates on an organizational level will not affect existing invoices that have already been created. Hence, existing invoices will not be affected.
However, if you change the exchange rate of an existing transaction by editing the transaction directly, this will be reflected in the invoice the next time you view it.
Q8. What is the lifecycle of an invoice? What different states or stages does it go through?

When does this status occur?
When an invoice is saved as a draft.
For Approval
When an invoice is submitted for approval.
Payment Due
When an invoice is directly saved, converted to active from a draft, or approved.
When an invoice has not been paid by the due date.
Partially Paid
When an invoice has only been partially paid for, either via a payment, or by applying customer credit.
Fully Paid
When an invoice has been fully paid off.