Transfer Trial Balance

By transferring a trial balance, you can easily get set up on Juan by being able to quickly transfer all your account balances.

Q1. How can I redo transferring a trial balance if I made a mistake during the process?

  • You can void the transfer balance entry in the manual journal entries list, and input the new transfer balance entry.

Q2. How can I transfer my trial balance to Juan?

  • After importing your existing Chart of Accounts, find Transfer Trial Balance click on the drop-down next to Manage Accounts > Transfer Trial Balance

  • Enter the respective transfer debit and transfer credit amounts.

Q3. Will transferring my trial balance in Juan lock any accounts?

  • Yes, after selecting a transfer date when creating your trial balance, it will show up as lock dates on all your accounts. For example:

Q4. Can I add notes/explanations while transferring my trial balance?

  • Yes, you can do so by adding Internal Notes for your team, all the way at the bottom of the transfer trial balance screen.

Q5. Where can I find my trial balance record after it's created?

  • After it's created, you may find it under Journals.

  • The trial balance record should have a journal type of Transfer Journal.

Q6. Can I edit a trial balance record?

  • You cannot edit a trial balance record after it has been created.

Q7. Can I see who created the trial balance record?

  • Yes. Within the transfer journal record, the Created By field shows the user who created the transfer journal.

Q8. How can I void a trial balance? Will it impact my financial records?

  • You can void the trial balance record within the record details screen.

  • Voiding previously created trial balances may affect your financial records.

  • Here's how your financial records and reports may be affected:

    • Trial Balance - The debit and credit amounts of your accounts may see a change.

    • Balance Sheet - The total amounts of the different account types may have changes, due to the account totals potentially increasing or decreasing from journal entries being voided.

    • Profit & Loss - The overall net profit amount may change as you might see changes to amounts in operating revenue and expense accounts.

    • Cashflow - Opening and Ending cash balances may be affected

    • Ledger - Opening and closing balances may be affected due to voided journal entries.

Q9. Does voiding a trial balance impact the lock dates of accounts? If so, how?

  • When a trial balance is first transferred, all the accounts in the Chart of Accounts will be assigned the lock date indicated on the trial balance.

  • Hence, when voiding a trial balance, the lock date originally indicated on the trial balance will be removed from all accounts.

  • If an account already had a lock date manually applied before the voided trial balance was transferred, the lock date will revert to this previous lock date.

  • For more information on lock dates, refer to Lock Dates (COA).

Q10. Can I convert a voided trial balance to active?

  • No, you may not. A voided trial balance can only be deleted.

Q11. Can I create a trial balance in non-base currency?

  • No, transfer trial balances can only be created in your organization's base currency.

Q12. How can I download a transfer trial balance PDF?

  • After creating a transfer trial balance record, navigate to Journals.

  • You can download the PDF within the trial balance record.

Q13. How can I delete a transfer trial balance?

  • You can delete a transfer trial balance after voiding it.

Q14. Can I retrieve a deleted transfer trial balance?

  • No, you may not. All deletions are final.

Q15. How can I transfer my trial balance for a non-base payment account to Juan?

  • You can transfer the trial balance for a non-base payment account by adding the exchange rate to convert the non-base amount to base amount.

  • The accounts in non-base currencies will be indicated with an underline in the credit/debit cells.

  • Clicking on credit/debit will open the Convert Amount modal.

  • For the Exchange Rate: If there is a custom rate available for your organization's selected currency pair on the trial balance transfer date, Juan will retrieve that rate. Otherwise, a third-party rate will be fetched.

Q16. Can I duplicate a trial balance record?

  • Yes, you can duplicate an active/voided trial balance record. To do so, navigate to Journals.

  • You can duplicate the journal record using the sidebar menu, or within the transfer trial balance record details.

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