Q1. What is a Bookmark in Juan?
A Bookmark in Juan is a name and value pair, that helps you organize information for quick access.

Q2. How do I create a Bookmark?
To create a Bookmark, click on + New Bookmark.
You will be shown the New Bookmark screen, which will allow you to enter bookmark details.
Category: The category that the bookmark is related to, e.g. "Audit & Assurance", or "Banking & Finance".
Please view the list of categories available within Juan.
Type: The data type of the bookmark.
You can select from the following bookmark types: Boolean, Date, Link, Number, Text.
After creating a bookmark, you should see the new bookmark show up in the list of bookmarks.

Q3. How do I modify a Bookmark?
Go to Settings > Organization Details
Edit or delete the selected bookmark as desired.
Note: If a bookmark is marked as deleted, you will not be able to undo the action or retrieve the deleted bookmark.