
Organization details is the section where you can view comprehensive details about your organization and control organization wide settings.

Q1. How can I access my organization details?

  • You can access your organization details under Settings > Organization Details.

Q2. How can I change my organization's name?

  • Under Settings > Organization details, change the organization name as desired.

Q3. How can I change my organization's logo?

  • Under Settings > Organization details, drag and drop or upload your organization's logo.

Q4. Will changing the organization name affect existing data?

  • No, changing the organization name will not affect existing data.

Q5. Can I update my organization's base currency?

  • No, you cannot update your organization's base currency. The base currency of an organization cannot be changed.

Q6. What date formats are supported in Juan?

  • dd MMM YYYY

  • MM/dd/YYYY

  • dd/MM/YYYY

Q7. What number formats are supported in Juan?

Currently, the number formats supported in Juan are:

  • 123.456,00

  • 123,456.00

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