Chart Of Accounts (COA)

The Chart of Accounts shows every account that is currently being used and recorded in your organization's General Ledger.

Q1. How can I create a new account?

  • Create a new account under Settings > Configurations > Chart of Accounts

Q2. How can I edit the account name for an account?

  • Click on an existing Account and Edit Account will appear

  • Change the Account Name as desired.

Q3. Can I edit the account type of an existing account?

  • Yes, you can update the account type of an existing accounts only if -

    • Its not a bank/cash account

    • It does not have a lock date

    • It is not a System Generated Account. For more information please refer: What are SGAs?

Q4. How can I delete an account?

  • Accounts that do not have any active transactions, items or assets associated with it can be deleted.

  • After deleting any associated transactions or item, click on the 3-dots menu of the account record, and select Delete.

Q5. Why can't I delete an account?

  • Make sure that you do not have active transactions, items or assets associated with the account before trying to delete the account.

Q6. How can I set an account as inactive?

  • You can set the account as inactive via the 3-dots menu on the account record.

Q7. What are system-generated accounts (SGA)?

  • SGA are the accounts that will be provided to you by Juan upon the creation of the organization.

  • SGA accounts cannot be deleted, but you can rename the Account Name for all SGA accounts.

  • On Juan, these accounts will have a gear icon beside their account names.

  • These are also referred as Controlled Accounts.

Q8. Why are some accounts unable to be set as inactive?

  • SGA (System Generated Accounts) cannot be made inactive.

  • Only accounts that you have created can be turned inactive.

Q9. Can I have 2 accounts of the same name?

  • No, all accounts on Juan should have unique account names.

Q10. Can I add more account types?

  • No, you cannot add new account types. The account types will be provided by Juan by default.

Q11. What are the available account class & types?

Under Assets:

  • Bank Accounts

  • Cash

  • Current assets

  • Fixed assets

  • Inventory

  • Non-current assets

Under Expenses:

  • Direct costs

  • Operating expenses

  • Other expenses

Under Equity:

  • Shareholders Equity

Under Liability:

  • Current Liability

  • Non-current liability

Under Revenue:

  • Operating revenue

  • Other Revenue

Q12. If I have an existing transaction associated with an account, when I set the account as inactive, what happens to the respective line items?

  • There will be no changes to the existing transactions.

  • For new invoices/bills/journals, the account will not be available as an option in the drop-down list when selecting an account on a line item.

Q13. What is a lock date, and how can I set it for an account?

  • A lock date prevents users in your organization from recording or modifying any transactions associated with the account, on or before the lock date.

  • This helps to make sure that any important transactions do not get edited or deleted, which is useful in audit scenarios, or when preparing financial reports.

  • To set the lock date for an account, click on Lock Date when creating an account to select a Lock Date.

  • Alternatively, you can also set a lock date for an account that has already been created by clicking on the account you would like to edit, and adjusting the lock date.

Q14. What is the "Monthly Movement" of an account?

  • Monthly movement refers to the net cash flow for the account in a month. In other words:

    • Monthly movement = Cash-in to the account - cash-out of the account.

Q15. Can I remove an account's lock date? Will it impact my existing transactions?

  • Yes, you can. Removing an account's lock date, it will not impact any existing transactions.

  • You will now be able to modify/void/create transactions on or before the previously set lock date

Q16. Why can I set a currency for a payment account but not for others?

  • A currency can only be set for accounts of type Asset - Cash and Asset - Bank Account.

Q17. Can I change the currency of an account? What can I do if I have wrongly set up a currency?

  • You cannot change the currency of an account once it has been set up and saved.

  • If you have wrongly set up a currency, we suggest recreating the account with your desired currency.

Q18: Is it possible to manage the Final Withholding Tax Payable Account?

Yes. All organizations will always have up to date COA defaults.

Q19. How does WHT reflect in ledgers?

WTAX amounts in bills will be ledgered based on the WTAX code type:

  • Final → Ledgered to Final Withholding Tax Payable.

  • Others → Ledgered to Expanded Withholding Tax Payable.

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